Sadguru Shree Santdashjiswami

Atkot Dham

Acharya Shree Rakeshprasadji Maharaj

Kosad Dham

P.P. Sadguru Shree Muktanand Swami
ગઢડા પ્રથમ ૧

અખંડ વૃત્તિનું

ભગવાના સ્‍વરૂપમાં મનની અખંડવૃત્તિ રાખવી તેથી કોઇ સાધન કઠણ નથી. અને જે મનુષ્યના મનની વૃત્તિ ભગવાનના સ્‍વરૂપમાં અખંડ રહે છે તેને તેથી બીજી અધિક પ્રાપ્‍તિ શાસ્ત્રમાં કહી નથી. કાં જે ભગવાની મૂર્તિ છે તે તો ચિંતામણી તુલ્‍ય છે,

P.P. Sadguru Shree Gopalanand Swami

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About The


Swaminarayan Bhagwan incarnated on earth, along with His dham and some of His muktas, to establish ekantik dharma, and grant kalyan to those who became His bhaktas. He incarnated at Dharma-Dev’s house in Chhapaiya in Kaushal-Desh, to save Bhakti-Mata and Dharma-Dev from harassment by demons. He also incarnated to take mumukshu bhaktas to Akshardham, by imparting knowledge of His svarup, dharma, vairagya, and bhakti.

While on earth, He established ekantik dharma, which had been destroyed many years ago, and He destroyed adharma. He initiated over 2000 sadhus, of which 500 were initiated as paramhans. Also, He built mandirs, and installed murtis, which will always remain on earth. In this way, Bhagwan forever resides on this earth through His sadhus and His murtis. Swaminarayan Bhagwan also wrote and narrated shastras, authenticated ancient shastras, and instructed His sadhus to write shastras.

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